Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Concatenation (MS-Excel)

Knowing how to utilize the concatenation function is incredibly important and time efficient when it comes to creating formats within SAS. Why this is the case is will be discussed in a separate article. 

However, the CONCATENATE function within Excel is nevertheless important and should be understood.

For example, let’s say that you have the following values in an Excel Workbook:

And you want to have C3 act as a destination for the concatenated phrase, “This Tree is Red”. To accomplish this, you must enter the following code into the destination cell (C1).

=CONCATENATE(A2, “ is “, B2)

This informs Excel that it must make a new value which contains the values for:

A2 = This Tree

“ is “

B2 = Red

The illustration below shows what this would look like within Excel: 

The final product will resemble the following: 

Of course, if you would like, the formula can be dragged down so that if effects all destination columns in a vertical or horizontal fashion. 

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