Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Getting to Know the Greeks

In today’s article, we are going to go a bit off the beaten path and discuss, The Greek Alphabet!

You might be wondering, why the sudden change of subject content…?

In order to truly master of the craft of data science, you will be required to stretch your mind in creative ways. The Greek Alphabet is utilized throughout the fields of statistics, mathematics, finance, computer science, astronomy and other western intellectual pursuits. For this reason, it really ought to be taught in elementary schools. However, to my knowledge, in most cases, it is not.

The Romans borrowed heavily from Greek Civilization, and contemporary western civilization borrowed heavily from the Romans. Therefore, to truly be a person of culture, you should learn the Greek Alphabet, and really, as much as you possibly can about Ancient Greek Culture. This includes the legends, heroes, and philosophers. We might be getting more into this in other articles, but for today, we will be sticking to the alphabet.

The Greek Alphabet

The best way to learn the Greek alphabet is to be Greek (j/k, but not really). In all other cases, application is probably the best way to commit various Greek letters, as symbols, to memory.

I would recommend drawing each letter in order, uppercase, and lowercase, and saying the name of the letter as it is written.

Let’s try this together!

Α α (Alpha) (Pronounced: AL-FUH) - Utilized in statistics as the symbol which connotates significance level. In finance, it is the percentage return of an investment above or below a predetermined index.

B β (Beta) (Pronounced: BAY-TUH) - In statistics, this symbol is utilized to represent type II errors. In finance, it is utilized to determine asset volatility.

Γ γ (Gamma) (Pronounced: GAM-UH) - In physics, this symbol is utilized to represent particle decay (Gamma Decay). There also exists Alpha Decay, and Beta Decay. The type of decay situationally differs depending on the circumstances.

Δ δ (Delta) (Pronounced: DEL-TUH) - This is currently the most common strain of the novel coronavirus (7/2021). In the field of chemistry, uppercase Delta is utilized to symbolize heat being added to a reaction.

Ε ε (Epsilon) (Pronounced: EP-SIL-ON) - “Machine Epsilon” is utilized in computer science as a way of dealing with floating point values and their assessment within logical statements.

Ζ ζ (Zeta) (Pronounced: ZAY-TUH) - The most common utilization assignment which I have witnessed for this letter, is its designation as the variable which represents the Reimann Zeta Function (number theory).

Η η (Eta) (Pronounced: EE -TUH) - I’ve mostly seen this letter designated as variable for the Dedekind eta function (number theory).

Θ θ (Theta) (Pronounced: THAY-TUH) - Theta is utilized as the symbol to represent a pentaquark, a transitive subatomic particle.

Ι ι (Iota) (Pronounced: EYE-OL-TA) - I’ve never seen this symbol utilized for anything outside of astronomical designations. Maybe if you make it big in science, you could give Iota the love that it so deserves.

Κ k (Kappa) (Pronounced: CAP-UH) - Kappa is the chosen variable designation for Einstein’s gravitational constant.

Λ λ (Lambda) (Pronounced: LAMB-DUH) - A potential emergent novel coronavirus variant (7/2021). Lowercase Lambda is also utilized throughout the Poisson Distribution function.

Μ μ (Mu) (Pronounced: MEW) - Lowercase Mu is utilized to symbolize the mean of a population (statistics). In particle physics, it can also be applied to represent the elementary particle: Muon.

Ν ν (Nu) (Pronounced: NEW) - As a symbol, this letter represents degrees of freedom (statistics).

Ξ ξ (Xi) (Pronounced: SEE) - In mathematics, uppercase Xi can be utilized to represent the Reimann Xi Function.

Ο ο (Omnicron) (Pronounced: OMNI-CRON) - A symbol which does not get very much love, or use, unlike its subsequent neighbor…

Π π (Pi) (Pronounced: PIE) - In mathematics, lowercase Pi often represents the mathematical real transcendental constant ≈ 3.1415…etc.

Ρ ρ (Rho) (Pronounced: ROW) - In the Black-Scholes model, Rho represent the rate of change of a portfolio with respect to interest rates

Σ σ (Sigma) (Pronounced: SIG-MA) - Lower case Sigma represents the standard deviation of a population (statistics). Upper case sigma represents a sum function (mathematics).

Τ τ (Tau) (Pronounced: TAIL) - Lower case Tau represents an elementary particle within the field of particle physics

Υ υ (Upsilon) (Pronounced: EEP-SIL-ON) - Does not really get very much use…

Φ φ (Phi) (Pronounced: FAI) - Lowercase Phi is utilized to represent the Golden Ratio.

Χ χ (Chi) (Pronounced: KAI) - Lower case Chi is utilized as a variable throughout the Chi-Square distribution function.

Ψ ψ (Psi) (Pronounced: PSY) - Lower case Psi is used to represent the (generalized) positional states of a qubit within a quantum computer.

Ω ω (Omega) (Pronounced: OHMEGA) - Utilized for just about everything.

Αυτα για τωρα. Θα σε δω την επόμενη φορά!


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